Monday, June 6, 2011

Filtered Thoughts!

When we consider that from our birth and maybe even before, the intelligent part of us was experiencing our environment, thinking about the experiences, observing which actions caused what effect and formulating beliefs or rules that would, from then on, run our lives, we can see that our thoughts have contributed significantly to whom we are now. Furthermore, as we grew we observed others, interacted with those close to us, listened to their beliefs and sometimes adopted these into the “road rules of life”. We have gradually formulated, and from there, built up a system of beliefs, expectations and interactions based on these observations. While children, our filters were open, less critical and more accepting than as adults. Therefore it was possible that we accepted half-truths, misunderstandings and experiences, which were taken out of context and formed the foundation of our personal laws for survival, success and happiness.

Should some of your beliefs tend toward the negative, then it would not surprise me that you may be suffering health problems, relationship problems, financial problems, or just general areas of dissatisfaction with your life. It is not for me or anyone else to judge what is right or wrong with your life, nor is your own critical judgement about your life beneficial. Set aside right now all self criticism and view the past with feelings of gratitude, because it is these experiences that create the wisdom to support you now and provide the springboard for your intuitive development.

As it is possible to create energy through Statements, then it is also possible that our thoughts create chemical reactions in our bodies which can affect our health, vitality and intellectual processes. Because our statements and thoughts do affect the very essence of our existence, then it is important that we take particular care to create within ourselves the best possible thoughts, beliefs and attitudes to empower us to receive all the prosperity that is waiting to be poured into our lives.

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